The most human thing we have is language(Theodor Fontane, German writer)

Every one of us wants to be humane. But what does that even mean? ‘humane’? A lot, I would
say. On the one hand, everybody just wants to be human
and to be part of a community of other humans and to communicate with them, thus to share information
and to be understood by others. At the same time, we
want to be ourselves and to be recognized and appreciated as the person that we are.
On the other hand, being humane also means being sympathetic to others, as they, like us, want to be
treated in a humane way.
In short: Being ‘humane’ means to live and let live and to not cause harm to others.
What does any of this have to do with translation? A lot, I would say! A translation is a service, which means that two people join in a professional cooperation, they communicate, want to get their message received and want to be understood; and at the same time, they want to be treated in a humane way – this applies to both parties.
My translation services are based on the principle of being humane: I make sure that your messages are received in the target language and culture just the way they were intended to be received in the original language and culture. In doing so, of course also my personal style of writing and my character also shapes my translation as is the case in any creative work; that can't be avoided, but it also does not have to: This is precisely the reason why translators choose their specialist areas according to their own interests, in order to be able to translate texts with enthusiasm, motivation and passion. For more information about my translation services, please refer to the menu item Services.
Furthermore, you can be sure that I will charge you fair and humane prices for my translation services. To find out more about this topic, please refer to: Prices.
Going back to the initial quote, language is indeed the most human thing we have, as the way in which we express things can change the meaning of what we express. That is precisely what translation is all about. Correct spelling, grammar and compliance with different text conventions are merely the basis for a correct translation; a really good translation, however, is characterized by the fact that the recipient of the target language and culture receives exactly the same content with all of its subtleties that the original recipient of the original language and culture received as well.
I’m sure that your texts that were written with great care in their original language and thus should surely maintain every little detail of the message on its way to its new target audience. Exactly for this reason you need a professional translation. You may be wondering why I'm so sure that you have come to the right place and that me and Eccelingo Translations can help you achieve exactly what you wanted? Take a look at the menu items Qualifications and About me.There you can also find a small number of references from my satisfied customers
Read on or contact me directly. I will be glad to answer your request as soon as possible and will provide you with a non-binding offer specifically tailored to your text.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
If you want to impress others, you need to address them in their own language.(Kurt Tucholsky, German writer)
As you are already on my website, I surely do not need to convince you of the truth of this quote as you
are already
aware of the importance of language and translations for successful communication and for reaching new
target groups.
No matter what project you need a correct, functional and professional translation or a completely new,
just as appealing creative text for: I can assure you that I am aware of the great significance of
language and
translation and that I will always do my best in order to create the best possible solution for your
My services include:

- Translations
- Proof reading or revision of translations
- Post-editing (the professional revision of machine-translated texts)
- Writing German source texts (e. g. for marketing purposes)
- Editing German source texts
In order to secure the highest quality I work exclusively with texts from my specialist areas, for which I am qualified because of my enthusiasm for language and creativity or my personal interest as well as my professional university education:
- Marketing/tourism
- Literature
- Environmental and animal protection
- Art and culture
Furthermore, through additional university classes I also gained knowledge and skills in the translation of texts from the following specialist areas in which I however do not have as many professional expertise and which thus only make up a smaller part of my freelance translations:
- Medicine
- Technology
- Information technology
- Subtitling
There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper(John Ruskin, English author and social philosopher)

Hardly anybody will deny this quotation's accuracy. Still, clients often blunder into the trap and buy cheap products or assign translators who charge an extremely low price for their work.
As John Ruskin passed on, it is against the law of economics to receive a lot of value for little money. As a professionally trained translator, I have the language and translation skills to provide you with translations or other kinds of written language services that meet the requirements of such services. At the same time, I am aware of the rates professional translators commonly charge and I will always aim to offer you fair and appropriate prices for my translations.
A high-quality translation requires both a reasonable price and a reasonable time span. Since I am not only a professional translator but also working according to the principles of human behaviour, you can be sure to receive a translation that will be worth the time and money.
Translating is much more than simply convey expression used for a particular object, feeling, etc., in one language to the expression used for the same object, feeling, etc., in another language. A person who has grown up bilingually and has no degree in translation can easily be expected to do this. A professional translation, on the other hand, focuses on the finest nuances of a language, such as the translation of ‘untranslatable’ words, the transfer of metaphors or fact that are deliberately left unspoken . However, complex linguistic elements of this kind vary from language to language and from culture to culture. At the same time, the text type and the author's style of writing also need to be considered while translating. All of this, as well as all of the other factors that come into play, require a sound knowledge of both languages and cultures involved in the translation process. This kind of knowledge can only be acquired through a university degree and/or professional translation experience.
At the same time, these and other factors influence the final price of a translation. For this reason, most professional translators do not charge a fixed price for translations or other language services they offer. Instead, factors such as the text type, specialist area and language combination determine the final price.
If you send me a request via mail, I will reply as soon as possible and send you an offer.
The spirit of a language reveals itself most clearly in its untranslatable words(Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Austrian author)
You might be asking yourself now: Untranslatable words? But why should I hire a professional translator if even they are not able to translate certain words!? The answer is quite simple: Well, that is precisely why you should hire a professional translator! Every language has a large number of words that simply do not have an equivalent in another language. Perhaps you are now thinking of words like ‘underbelly, ‘sweet tooth or ‘serendipity’? Yes, exactly, words like this exist in all languages, and a translator wanting to translate a text from English into German is faced with these kinds of situations more often than you might think. However, thanks to my extensive qualifications as a professional translator with an excellent master's degree from the renowned Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics and Cultural Studies in Germersheim, which is part of the University of Mainz, Germany, I have the best prerequisites for finding equivalent translations.
Below you can find more detailed information about my qualifications as a professional translator.
University Education:

Master of Arts Translation
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Faculty 06 Translation Studies, Linguistics and Cultural
Mother tongue: German
Foreign languages: English (Level C2), Dutch (Level C1)
Bachelor of Arts Language, Culture and Translation
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Faculty 06 Translation Studies, Linguistics and Cultural
Mother tongue: German
Foreign languages: English (Level C1), Italian (Level C1),
Dutch (Level B2)
Specialist university classes:
Specialist area: Medicine
Specialist translation courses: Medicine (DE/EN), Information Technology (DE/EN),
Technical (DE/EN), Technical (DE/NL), Subtitling (DE/EN)
Professional translation work experience through internships:
Translation internship at Balance/Livewords, Maastricht (NL): Translation of texts in the areas of
marketing and
Project management internship at ASCO Coburg, Coburg (DE)
Verena hat mit Erfolg ein 3-monatiges Praktikum bei uns absolviert. Während dieser Zeit bewies sie, dass sie über gute Grundkenntnisse der niederländischen und englischen Sprache sowie über wesentliche Qualitäten, die einen guten Übersetzer ausmachen, verfügt. Sie ist lernbegierig, genau und schnell. Nun, da sie nach ihrem Studium beruflich als Übersetzerin tätig geworden ist, arbeiten wir sehr gerne mit ihr zusammen.
Ron Theuns, Regional Director of Operations of the translation agency Livewords/branch office in Maastricht
Very good test translation showing how the translator was able to distance themselves from the content, translating freely, while not omitting any of the core information contained in the source text. The translation was idiomatic and had an equal flow to that of the source.
Star UK – British translation agency
The translation was excellent, very well formulated and of very high quality. […] Congrats to the translator!
Eurideas Language Experts – Translation agency based in Hungary
Additional Qualifications:
About me
Anyone that doesn't know foreign languages knows nothing of his own.(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet)

I learned just how true this quote is when I started studying language, culture and translation in Germersheim. During my last few years in high school, I realized: languages are my passion. That is what I'm good at and that is what I want to do professionally. During English lessons, I noticed how much fun it was to accurately translate a text and not just summarize it in a foreign language. While I do offer the creative writing of texts in my own mother tongue German, my passion remains with translation and the challenge of sending the same message in two different languages and to two different cultures.
Thus, after my high school degree – of course I chose English and Italian as some of my most weighted subjects for my graduation – it quickly became clear to me that I wanted to make a living out of my passion.
After completing my bachelor's degree in Germersheim, I was seized with ambition and decided to keep going. Thus, directly afterwards, I started my Master studies which I successfully finished with my excellent master's degree in January 2020. Thanks to this decision, I did not only gain the professional title of Translator M. A., but I also learned numerous extensive competencies that enable me to work as a professional and well-educated translator.
Try moving with your cursor over the pictures or tipping on them to see what happens.


I'm looking forward to your request!
Do you have any questions about my translation work, or would you like to receive an offer for a translation or for one of the other services I offer?
In that case the easiest way to contact me is sending me an e-mail. I will do my best to answer your request as soon as possible.